One Radio Erasmus
One Radio Erasmus is a podcasting project run by 5 groups of youngsters from Italy, Spain, Germany, Iceland and The Netherlands. Our aim is to share with you incredible stories of fascinating people from Europe and beyond, focusing on different topics like culture, politics, art and music.

Recent Episodes..
Can I blow my nose in public in Japan? Can I wear shoes when I'm at somebody's place? In this talk with Carlos, a spanish guy who lived in Japan for around 9 months, we will find out lot of interesting facts about this country. Check them out!
Let's have a quick look at this bad boy by Guy Ritchie, dated 1998, with some nice music to season everything.
This week, Robert interviews Victor Murillo about his goal to bring paintball to Erfurt, and the challenges he faces as a social entrepreneur.
The participants..
What is One Radio Erasmus?
One Radio Erasmus is a project financed by the European Union started in 2020; it involves 5 different NGOs from 5 different countries. We all began working on it from zero, learning day by day what it's like to record podcasts, use the equipment and develop our creativity. At the moment we have more than 12 shows in 5 different languages, about an incredible variety of topics: from reviews of movies to unspoken realities and traditions from all over world. We strongly believe this initiative can contribute to create a multicultural virtual community, strenghtening our European identity, and giving voice to young people.
Who's speaking?

We are five NGOs working in different fields. Our speakers are European volunteers, interns, and everyone who wants to give his/her contribution. Find out more about our associations!
Want to join us?

We are always eager to know incredible stories and learn something new.. If you feel you can contribute to our project, here is the chance to share your story. Contact us to be part of our podcasts, as a participant or a guest! So, what are you waiting for?
Some of the podcasts have been created in collaboration with experts, psychologists, teachers etc. Thanks to them we had the possibility to face delicate topics with the attention that they deserve, benefiting from the knowledge and teaching of the experts.